Photography of young people for commercial or personal reasons.

Kids using products or services,  for lifestyle or education.

I have my Working With Children Check for Victoria card No. 1913110A-01

Contact Me

Jasmine with FUNbrellerz Once Upon A Time Princess umbrella

Jasmine with FUNbrellerz Once Upon A Time Ladybug umbrella

Jasmine & Artie with FUNbrellerz Once Upon A Time Ladybug & Frog umbrellas

Artie with FUNbrellerz Once Upon A Time Frog umbrella

Young girl with Clifton emoji umbrella

Young girl with rainbow umbrella

Young girl with Clifton rainbow umbrella

Young girl & 2 adults with Clifton umbrellas

Cover shot for Clifton Umbrellas catalogue 2015 - Kids

Photography, digital manipulation & design artwork
Your one-stop shop: Conception. Idea. Execution. Presentation.
Photography, graphic design & web design all in one place.
Contact Me

Based in Maidstone (inner west), Melbourne, Australia.

+61.412 531 950

+61.412 531 950